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A cartoon depiction of the author, wearing a hoodie and smiling

Microsoft added "Night light", an OS-level replacement for the popular f.lux software and an analog to macOS's "Night Shift", sometime during the Windows 10 era. It filters out blue light and tints your displays to make them easier to look at at in darker rooms. This makes me very happy, in theory. The only problem is that Night Shift just doesn't work on my computer a lot of the time.

There's some result of my monitors + video card + video card driver + Windows install + precise arrangement of system files on my SSD that results in a number of fail states. This computer can:

Most of these states don't fix themselves with a reboot, but some do. Many of these states fix themselves when you edit certain Windows Registry entries, which has led to a present where I now have a .reg file with the relevant changes sitting on my Desktop so I can invoke it whenever I want. All of this is completely absurd.