Gilt Technologie: The Human Side of Scala
Gilt Technologie: The Human Side of Scala
A great post from my team’s lead engineer Peter! I loved his reasons for how Scala empowers you to express yourself:
To put that into a sentence: “Scala empowers you to express what you think is important, not what language designer deems important.” You need to decide what values, preferences and character traits will show through the code you write. To elaborate:
Maybe you are good at holding many things in your head at once, and like to write incredibly long map-flatMap-filter-combinator statements using infix notation for fun and profit;
Maybe you are adept at manipulating complex functional abstract entities like it’s Play-Doh. I am not sure exactly what that would look like, but it sounds like a way to win bets at Functional Programming meetups;
Maybe you have a crush on monads and cannot live without them;
Maybe “Concurrency” is your middle name, and you are physically unable to write code without Actors;
Maybe you love clean code, and confusingly named methods that stretch over more than 15 lines make you cry.