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A cartoon depiction of the author, wearing a hoodie and smiling

The Busy Trap - NY Times

The Busy Trap - NY Times



Listen, I want you to read this, because I think the compartmentalisation, the sectionalisation, the horoligisation of our lives is an insidious and terrible danger.

But there is definitely something that is amiss with this article - a link missing that fails to make it compelling and forceful like it should be. I don’t know. I’ll need to read it again and think about it.

But imagine, imagine - life without timepieces.

I agree. It’s a wonderful article, and obviously true so far as it goes, but it seems to lack a substantive core. I think it’s the result of it being personal, impressionistic, and ungrounded in any sort of data, historical analysis, etc.

It’s the kind of shit we all do now: grab some anecdotes to half-substantiate our ideas —which should probably be presented in un-rigorous, artistic ways rather than as essays— and run with it. But still: the ideas are good and right, and these busy people make me want to die.

Come on, though. The “solution” is to move to the south of France or leave town and go to an “undisclosed location”? Are we just willing to overlook this because it’s in the New York Times and we’re just used to the privilege inherent in this type of piece at this point? These people are the ones who make me want to die.