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A cartoon depiction of the author, wearing a hoodie and smiling

Times Square – 42nd Street (New York City Subway)

Times Square – 42nd Street (New York City Subway)

The block-long passageway that runs west to the 42nd Street – Port Authority Bus Terminal station on the IND Eighth Avenue Line was added within fare control in the mid-1980s. Since 1991, this passageway has contained a piece of public art inspired by the Burma-Shave ads; Norman B. Colp’s The Commuter’s Lament, or A Close Shave consists of a series of signs attached to the roof of the passageway, reading:

So tired.
If late,
Get fired.
Why bother?
Why the pain?
Just go home
Do it again.

with the last panel being a picture of a bed. The panels were part of an art project that was supposed to last only one year, but was never removed.