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A cartoon depiction of the author, wearing a hoodie and smiling

If you want to store data of differing types within a lightweight organization system, I encourage you to check out the filesystem. On Mac, an application called Finder provides a pleasant interface to listing, organizing, and previewing information in a filesystem. It’s free, and it’s running on your Mac right now. Oh sure, it’s got some quirks, but for the most part you’ll find it reliable. You can create directories, and even create directories inside directories (a feature that Yomjimbo currently lacks). Everything Buckets are selling you a filesystem, and removing the step of creating and saving a new file within that filesystem. That’s their primary value. Whatever organization scheme they may claim to offer, you can replicate on the filesystem. I promise.

Alex Payne — The Case Against Everything Buckets

I’m reconsidering Yojimbo in favor of OS X’s stacks. OS X 10.6 will make Stacks work a little better, so I’m giving it a shot by just creating buckets based on file type. The only downside to OS X is that if I drag-and-drop pieces of text, they’re saved as OS X’s terrible “clipping” format, which is difficult to use and impossible to edit. If I can find a way to easily get text into the text folder as a plaintext file, I think I can save myself $40.